Trichotillomania Hair Loss

If you or a loved one are affected by Trich and need help now, then please call the Ricky Knowles Hair and Wellness Team at 713-623-4247. Our team is has created a safe and comfortable environment to assist you in your path to recovery.

All of our consultation rooms are private and equipped with the most advanced hair styling, duplication and replacement tools available. Our world-renowned hair duplication stylist, Ricky Knowles has been recognized as an advocate by the Trichotillomania Learning Center, Inc.

Ricky's approach to the hairstyles and products he recommends for Trichotillomania clients is coupled with his knowledge of the condition and a direct working relationship with counselors who treat Trich patients. Ricky doesn't just take care of the hair, he knows what is necessary to provide incentives to not pull, to reward good behavior and to acknowledge accomplishments.

We strive to be a part of your recovery, working in tandem with you to boost your confidence and help you reach your goal to stop hair pulling. We will tailor a hair duplication plan to enable you to cover bald spots while your new hair grows out. Our trich hair replacement process allows our clients to take the steps necessary to return to a normal, confident life.

Have Questions about Trich? Email Ricky at

Call today for an initial consultation: 713-623-4247


"Having trichotillomania, I have had more than just a "bad hair day", it had been more like a "bad hair life". Ricky's helped change so many people's lives, including my own. With his help, I feel like I can live like a normal person for the first time in my life."

- Alex Simmons
Trichotillomania Hair Prosthesis